
Did you know that the sense of smell is the only sense that bypasses our intellectual brain and goes directly to our emotional brain? That means that scents can stir up emotions and sensations before we even identify what it is we’re smelling. For me, I recognized the smell of my Grandma before I ever knew that it was rose that I was smelling. I remember playing in her bathroom as a child and splashing on her rose water in her big claw-foot bathtub. When I have something rich and savory cooking in the crock pot all day I know my husband gets excited for dinner as soon as he walks in the door because the smell of the house gives him that anticipatory feeling that comfort food is in his near future.

Each essential oil has it’s own unique powers to reach that emotional center within us and change or enhance the way we feel. Knowing that, it’s easy to see how we can use essential oils to aid us in times of need. When we’re feeling depressed, stressed out, fatigued, overwhelmed, anxious…nature has created a life force in plants and flowers that can bring us back to balance. Using the essence of the botanical we can connect with our true essence.

Stay tuned for more insights on aromatherapy, qualities of specific essential oils, and recommendations on their usage.


  1. Kit Carlson

    The smell of Palmolive to this day reminds me of taking baths at my grandmother’s as a child. It is amazing how one scent can bring back a flood of feelings and memories!

    • clzegers

      Palmolive! Was your Grandma’s name Madge? Just kidding~ sometimes the smell just reminds you of a place and not necessarily a specific moment. Cabbage cooking on the stove reminds me of holidays at my Irish Grandmother’s, and the smell of my upstairs floor the first time my windows have been opened for the season always reminds me of my other Grandmother’s awesome house in the country. What is it about Grandmas and scent-related memory?! I’ll have to look in to that and blog about it!

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