Category: Feng Shui

Leaving One Home for the Next

family home for saleIt can be a very emotional experience when you move out of a house you have lived in for many years. Hopefully you’re moving on to something that more fits your needs, whatever stage of life you may be in.

When you’re moving with children, it can be hard for them to understand the feelings they’re having of attachment to this place, these walls, that yard. All those special spaces infused with childhood memories.

I found this ritual for moving in a sweet little book called House Blessings. Prayers, Poems, and Toasts Celebrating Home and Family by June Cotner. This ritual was submitted by Reverend J. Lynn James, and I have shared it with several friends during their time of transition as a way to create some closure for their family in anticipation of starting new in a new house, and turning it into their home.

“Starting at the front door of your “old” home, light incense or a jar candle, or carry a live plant or other special object and say: “Bless this doorway, through which love and friendship have come to us. We remember the stories of our lives, which entered here and filled our hearts and this home. We are here to celebrate and to gather our memories of this place we have called home for __ years.”

As family members stand in a circle in each space, invite everyone to share a memory that took place there, concluding with, “I am grateful for this place.” Then, after everyone has spoken say, “We leave this space giving thanks and carrying these memories with us.” Do this through the back and front yards, concluding where you began, at the front door, repeating the phrase a final time, in unison.

At your new home, place the object you carried through your old home in the entrance of your new home and say, “The memories we bring with us and the moments yet to be are what connect us to each other and make us a family. Blessed be.”

Please share with us your experience if you practice this ritual during your time of transition. Peace and love~

Spring Clearing of Special Objects

I have this beautiful and tiny goddess totem that nearly jumped out of the case as me the first time I saw her. I adored her voluptuous feminine shape and the color and sparkle just drew me in. She’s made of Goldstone, which I’ll tell you a little about because it just makes me giddy! Goldstone is considered a semi-precious gem even though it’s a man-made material. It is copper that has crystalized in molten glass. Check out this gorgeous word I just learned: aventurescence. It means “an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gems.” I just think it’s a little bit of two of my favorite words: adventure and effervescence. But I digress.

Goldstone is associated with vitality and energy, and with this little goddess form, I decided I must have her and I must tuck her in my bra whenever I want elevated energy, confidence, and divine feminine power.

So I carried her around with me, right over my heart, for months. After a while, I started to feel like she was a bit depleted. This is understandable as although her physical properties and the energy I gave her through my own intentions were strong, surely over time my own daily struggles and Earthly issues drained her of her vital energy.

I performed a ritual which you can do with anything like this: a stone, a piece of jewelry, anything that you feel needs an energetic “reboot.” And it’s the perfect time of year for this ritual as the soil is fertile for all the new birth of spring.

I went to my garden and, under a rose bush, I found a little spot to dig a hole. Maybe an inch deep. I placed my goddess in the Earth and covered her up. Be sure to mark where you bury your item so you don’t lose it! I simply put a stick in the ground to mark the spot.

goddess1I let her rest in the Earth, allowing any negative energy she picked up from me to be reabsorbed into the soil and fresh, clean, new energy to be infused. 24 hours should suffice, but I left her there for a few days.


goddess3I uncovered her and could immediately feel the difference. She was singing to me again! I gave her a good rinse under the garden hose and she’s back to hanging out with me as I go out on my daily adventures, shining my effervescent light to the world!


Top 5 Design Tips for Love

We’re still in the month of love and RECEPTIVITY so as we turn inward to consider our feelings about ourselves, our sense of worthiness, our generosity, and our graciousness, let’s not forget that our inner selves are reflected in our environment. If there are changes we want to see in our relationships, specifically our intimate relationships, it’s important to set up our homes in a way that says to the world: “I’m ready! I’m open, I want it, and I welcome love.”

love seats

Here are the top five adjustments to make if you’re ready for love (or ready for bigger love, or better love, or hotter love…):

1. Treat your bed like a treasure.

Sleep on luxurious sheets. Have a pillow you adore. Decorate your bed like it’s in the finest hotel or inn. Make your bed every day! When you turn in at night, your bed should welcome you, and your partner, in the most comfortable, soothing way. There’s nothing like peeling back the covers and crawling in with your sweetie. When you wake up in the morning, make sure to set yourself up right for the next evening.

2. Balanced bedsides equals a balanced relationship.

Both sides of the bed should have a nightstand and a light. If one person has to put their glass of water on the floor and can’t comfortably read their book on their side of the bed, that’s not going to support equality in the relationship. Keep the bedside tables free from clutter and, if you can, keep any electronics out of this zone. The frequencies they send off can be disruptive to sleep, and the temptation to jump on Facebook one more time before bed detracts from the rest and romance that should be happening instead.

3. Establish a nighttime routine.

Flopping in to bed after a long, hard day may feel good in the moment, but honoring the work you do by establishing a routine upon retiring for the evening is such a gift to yourself, and to your relationship. Try to turn off the computer or the television at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Grant yourself some self-care time in the bathroom rinsing off the energy of the day. Slip in to your favorite sleeping clothes (or non-clothes if that’s how you roll). Spray your bed with a relaxing aromatherapy spray or rub some lavender lotion on your hands and elbows. Give yourself something to look forward to at the end of each day. This is going to leave you more present in those intimate closing moments of the day.

4. Accessorize in pairs.

When standing at the entrance to your bedroom, look to the far right corner. This is the Love & Relationship area of your room (you can do this in any room–not just the bedroom). You shouldn’t see clutter or dirty laundry or dust bunnies. This is a wonderful place for candles–two of them. If you have a plant there, add a second one. The energy of accessorizing in pairs in this area strengthens the energy of the intention for your relationship. Two shells, two books, two change bowls…

5. Think pink.

Pink is the most supportive color for Love & Relationships. If pink isn’t your thing, think white and red! If you consider the far right corner of your entire property, can you plant some pink flowers there? Two pink rose bushes (that would be awesome!)? When you stand at the front door to your home and notice what is in the space that is the back right corner of your house, does it say LOVE to you? Maybe a loveseat with two pink pillows. Pictures of couples who’s relationship you admire. What about a written intention on a piece of pink paper: “I am ready for and open to a relationship full of equality, passion, understanding, fun, and respect.” Or even “I love myself. I am enough and my life is full.”

Our intentions mean everything when we are mindfully designing our home and our lives. As you work on these five steps, remain receptive. Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be, and that you are setting the course for abundant love to come your way.


RECEPTIVITY: Video Blog for February

The theme for February is RECEPTIVITY. In order to fully enjoy and be present in the fantastic relationship of your dreams, we need to get past the doubt, the negative thought patterns, the self-criticism around love. We need to fully stand in our worthiness. We all deserve to be a part of beautiful loving relationships…first and foremost with ourselves. 

Wood Horse: New Energy for a New Year

wood horseYesterday was the Chinese New Year, a date that I recognize every year but mostly by devouring all sorts of summations and forecasts from some of my favorite online sources. I’ve definitely been feeling differently in 2014 than I have in the past couple years. I love it when my intuitive feelings are validated by those who study deeply the natural energies that make up our environments and interact intimately with our own complex physical energies. And customs of various cultures around the world are simply fascinating to me, this being an especially beautiful, mystical, yet scientific part of the Chinese culture.

This is my take away from all the reading up I’ve been doing on 2014: The Year of the Yang Wood Horse.      Go for it.

We’ve had a lot of watery energy the past couple years. Water flows, it’s emotional, and often hard to find your grounding. Sometimes it’s a raging river, and sometimes it’s a persistent drip. I don’t know about you, but I’m about done with that wishy-washy energy for a while.

Yang is big energy. It’s loud. Bold. Bright. Expanding.

Wood is strong. Stable. Upward growing. Even when whats ahead is unclear, it reaches for heights trusting in it’s hearty roots and it’s ability to sway in winds and storms but remain standing tall.

Horses are huge. They are hard working and determined. There is a sense of freedom associated with horses. They are strong, whether persistently pulling or racing at great speeds. Horses have great vision. I’ll admit, I am quite intimidated by horses because I find them to be a bit unpredictable. A horse that is out of control, or untamed, can be very scary.

All of this to say, 2014 is bound to be a very different year that what we’ve been living through. My take-away is: Let’s be brave, be bold, and go after our wildest dreams. Being solid in our roots–the values and priorities that guide all of our choices. From that place, take some risks, tenaciously pursue what you want while remaining flexible enough to learn along the way.

Instead of riding the waves, feel the fire under your butt and get moving! Be sure to keep a steady pace, but keep your eye on the prize (and spend some time really figuring out what that prize is for you first), and believe in yourself.

Happy Chinese New Year to you. May you stand strong, reach toward the sun, and remain resilient as you forge ahead toward your wildest dreams!

Stillness : Video blog for January

YIKERS!! I’m putting my face and my voice out there to the world! Channeling Eleanor Roosevelt here and doing something that scares me. There are several things that might be changing in my virtual space in the coming weeks, and one thing that is being added is a monthly theme, shared via VIDEO. I am a rookie and I’m starting from the beginning, but it’s the information and the inspiration that matters. So, go ahead and learn about his month’s theme of STILLNESS, start following if you don’t already, and keep an eye out for blog posts that support the work we’re going to be doing in January towards getting still, tuning in, slowing down, and listening deep.

That’s it, Cristin…press Publish…take a deep breath…they’re gonna love it

The theme for January is STILLNESS. Be aware. Put the phone down. Sit. Shhh. Wait—keep sitting. Breathe…deep. Smile. Close your eyes. How do you want to feel in your skin? Feel that. Smile. Be grateful. Breathe.

Fall Is Here: Be Mindful with your Design

Yesterday afternoon the Earth was parallel with the sun. There are only two times each year that the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere have equal hours of daylight, and yesterday was one of them. Beginning today, those of us living on the top half of the planet experience less sunlight each and every day (until the Winter Solstice in December). Nature takes it’s queue and responds accordingly: leaves begin to drop from the trees, plants and flowers die down in to the Earth, wild animals start rummaging for food to store away so they have nourishment during the barren months of winter.

It’s time for us to do the same. The active yang energies of summertime are now behind us, and the more serene yin energies are beckoning us to move inward. So many people I know are ready for the nouveau traditions of autumn: jeans, boots, pumpkin spice lattes, and football. We move our parties from the backyard to the cozy couch in front of the fireplace. A sear on the grill is replaced by slow cooking in the oven. The outward expression of the exuberance of life is welcomely overcome by inward reflection and the contemplation of the cycles of life.

As you pull out your fall decorations and your sweaters, consider the parts of yourself that you might like to shed, like the dried leaves on the tree that have run their course, so that you can cultivate something fresher, stronger, more beautiful.  As you put out your candles, your gourds, your throws, and your wreathes, be mindful in their placement in your home.

A pair of cinnamon scented candles in your Love & Relationship area can add some spice to a tired love affair. A live succulent wreath hanging on the front door will welcome more resilient, nourishing energy into your home than one made of dried flowers. A full spectrum lightbulb in a lamp by a comfortable chair in your Knowledge & Self-Cultivation area will support the restoration and growth that can happen in these days when the sun sets earlier and a book and a cup of tea beckon us.

succulent wreath

This fall I will be offering workshops on Mindful Design for your Home. I hope those of you who are in the metro-Atlanta area will join me! And as always, if you have any questions on how to create an environment that supports and nurtures the work you are doing to become your best self, I’m here for you!

Allowing energy to flow in our home, and jumping in!


Ever heard this saying? Without breaking it down or over-thinking it too much, consider…

Where have you been putting your attention? And what is the disposition of your attention?

Life force energy is all around us and within us. According to Eastern medicine, our personal life force energy is harbored around meridians in our body that, when out of balance, can have real physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Acupuncture brings the attention (and the intention of healing and harmony) to these energy centers and gets them flowing smoothly again.

Our homes have similar energy hubs–physical locations that, when out of order/cluttered/in disrepair/neglected, can manifest in real physical, mental, and emotional issues.

What have you been focusing on lately?

Is your focus on money? If so, is your disposition one of lack or fear? Or is it abundance and gratitude?

Is your focus on a relationship? If so, are you focused on the flaws and weaknesses, or on continued growth and personal reflection?

Is your focus on health? If so, are you coming from a place of deprivation and suffering or appreciation and vitality?

Now, imagine you are putting your attention towards your finances with a sense of prosperity and responsibility…and then you found out the area in your home where your Wealth & Prosperity lives has an old broken bird feeder with stagnant, smelly water that attracted bugs.

Imagine you’re putting your loving attention toward your relationships, telling yourself that you are deserving and open to receive the love you want…but found out your Love & Relationship energy is centered in the dark bathroom with the leaky faucet and the toilet that runs all the time.

Imagine now exercising and feeding yourself and your family healthy foods, strengthening your body from the inside out…and you realize your Health & Family energy presides where that dead plant sits, dropping it’s leaves as it wilts away.

Feng Shui is like acupuncture for your home. You have priorities, you have goals. You’re putting in the effort and your attitude is great! Neglecting the connection between your self and your environment is missing a great opportunity to boost your results! Get the energy flowing through these meridians in your home. Focus your attention and your intentions in the spaces in which you live. Your body is a home for your soul, and your house is a home for your body. Make sure it’s in balance and that it receives your deliberate and focused attention so your life force energy can be part of the flow.

Let me know if I can help you jump in the flow! I’m available for in-person or virtual consultations and would love to be a part of your journey~

Mama Retreat: Part Three (of Four)

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.”  ~Anne Frank

My one full day on my Mama Retreat began with the sound of the birds and ended with the sounds of the woodland insects. Sipping coffee from my black metal coffee mug, seated in my camping chair first thing in the morning has got to be one of my favorite things. With a towel spread on the Earth I welcomed my day with a few sun salutations and gentle yoga stretching.

I find morning to be a time when solitude is a great gift. I live almost every day with four other extraordinary individuals, and although seeing their faces, giving them snuggles, fixing them breakfast, and talking about the day to come is an honor I thoroughly enjoy, sometimes waking up and spending a morning alone is a beautiful gift. I don’t jump right in to my roles…I’m just me.

After some reading (I’ll share in the final segment of this series what all this reading and writing is about), I tied up my shoes, sprayed on some of my essential oils to keep the bugs away, and headed out to the bottom of the canyon I gazed above the night before. I glanced at my map and had a general idea of the route I wanted to take, so off I went.

As I descended, passing dark caves, trickling water over gorgeous naturally-stacked shale, and creeks that offered not only a cool place to splash my hands but one of my most favorite background sounds.

hand creekcave


I found my way, along with several other day hikers, to the bottom of the canyon where I was presented with the most beautiful waterfalls. I stood at the base and pondered the power and the consistency of the water. This water had flowed from higher points, ultimately some mountain top frozen in it’s altitude. Here it is, right now, dropping from the ledge as it makes its way further along it’s path the the lowest point it can find. Maybe that’ll be the ocean. And to observe the force of the water as it falls, and the chaos it creates at that point of impact…then notice the pool of still water only feet away, calm like glass.

waterfall1                        waterfall2


I hiked along the path that paralleled the creek for a couple of hours before I realized this was not my intended route. I had to chuckle at myself, at how many times I follow the path that is more intriguing at the time, but maybe not aligned with my intention. It was stunning. It was peaceful. And the people I encountered were lovely (Its good not to be alone ALL of the time! Especially in the woods on an unfamiliar trail.). I had not been prepared to be out all day, bringing only my one water bottle and my camera.

I decided to turn around and head back to camp, my thighs telling me loudly that all this trekking downhill needed to be countered by an equal number of steps uphill. 527 steps, to be exact. Well, 527 stairs built in to the side of the canyon, and many more steps along the ascending trails.

Back at the campsite I sat at the picnic table and enjoyed a beer and some trail mix as I let all that I had just just experienced sink in. The physical effort that left my muscles tingling and my lungs invigorated. The intense emersion with the five elements that make up our physical world: wood (trees/leaves/flowers), fire (sun as it shone on my face and reflected in the most extraordinary ways along my route), metal (rocks and stones of every texture, broken pieces and large masses), earth (the dirt and dust itself that cushioned each step), and water, glorious water.

I felt proud of myself. I wasn’t the only one to hike these trails…I wasn’t the oldest or the youngest, I wasn’t comparing myself to anyone else. Each person there made a choice to go out and connect with nature that day, just like me. I was proud of myself for knowing that this is what I need to feel whole. That the worldly worries I had when I left my suburban oasis only the day before were inconsequential. I am okay. I am more than okay–I am strong. I am worthy. I am capable. I am just as essential as every person I passed on the trail, as every person I left behind at home, as every bird, every leaf, every moss covered stone.

I honored that, and I gave thanks.

Feeling the Vibration & Jumping in the Flow

DSC_0103Here’s another attempt at trying to express the concept of vibrational energy as it pertains to Feng Shui and environmental adjustments to create harmony in our lives. Harmony. Feeling in-tune/tuned in. It’s one of my favorite things–music! I love to see live music, and this is why:

When a group of people gather to hear a band or a performer, those people have made a conscious choice to be there. They probably paid money for a ticket, they made arrangements to get to the venue, and they’re committed. And they’re psyched! You start to feel that buzz in the room before the band even comes on stage. The energy is palpable. THAT is the energy I’m talking about! Everyone is on the same frequency.

Then the music starts–the energy soars for a few moments as the anticipation breaks, and everyone settles in to the vibration of the music being shared. Many musicians have been interviewed as saying that they don’t play the music as much as it is channeled through them. They are in alignment with their true passion–the pool from which they draw their talent and their creativity and their desire to share it with others–and they send it out to all who are there to be a part of it. Everyone is connected, they are one for this little piece of time.

I often close my eyes and feel the music. If you’re standing close enough to the speakers you literally feel the vibration, but anywhere in that space I can close my eyes and feel that I am part something bigger. I’m in the flow. Being in the flow is one of my favorite places to be. I feel like I belong. I feel synchronistic. I feel overwhelmingly happy.

We are all a part of something bigger, and we are all one. I strive to help people find that flow in the spaces they occupy every day. If you close your eyes and quiet your mind, you’ll sense that subtle vibration of energy of the natural world. Feng Shui gives us an awareness of how that natural flow of energy moves through a space, and how we can mindfully connect to it. When we do that we have an overcoming sense of peace. We feel in alignment with something bigger. We can think more clearly, we can breathe more freely, we can see more beauty, and we can follow our path.

Does this resonate with you? Check out this cool definition of the word resonate (I love a good dictionary definition!):

~  to reinforce oscillations because the natural frequency of the device is the same as the frequency of the source.

Resonate with your space. Connect with your source. Root, Bloom, and Soar!